Apparently there are still pretty common Drupal 8 theming tasks that cannot be accomplished with the great twig_tweak module. This by the way was me giving a plug to a great little module, which makes half of all your theme preprocess hooks unnecessary.
Get image URL from media field in twig
Clone entity data into existing entities in Drupal 8 & 9
Creating a duplicate of an entity
Creating a duplicate of an entity is easily done via the entity API method Entity::createDuplicate(). This is a convenient method if the goal is to clone an entity into a new entity, as all identifiers of the previous entity get unset when using this method.
Creating Drush 9 commands and porting legacy commands
Upgrading to Drush 9
Drush should be installed and updated through composer. There is no stable Drush 9 version yet, so the development version must be used. Updating to the development version of Drush 9 is a simple as typing:
$ composer require drush/drush:dev-master
Image indexation and other new features of Simple XML sitemap 2.10
This is a technical description of the 2.x branch of the module. For the newer 3.x branch see this article; for 4.x, see this article.
New features of Simple XML sitemap
Version 2.10 of Simple XML sitemap is mainly a feature release with only a few minor bugs fixed. The new features are - a platform for artists and design students
Since its relaunch in 2015, the Drupal 7 powered has been gaining popularity among artists and design students to become their go-to platform. Until today, design students have uploaded over 700 portfolios providing guidance to enrolling candidates. These portfolios are linked to over 500 art faculties of hundreds of universities.