Simple XML sitemap

Project type
Drupal contributed module
Drupal 8
Drupal 9
About the project

Every webpage needs an automatic XML sitemap generator for SEO reasons. Sitemaps generated by this module adhere to the new Google standard regarding multilingual content by creating hreflang sitemaps and image sitemaps - Googlebots will thank you later.

In addition to the default hreflang sitemaps, the module's API allows creating and publishing of custom sitemaps with arbitrary content, as well as submitting those sitemaps to search engines like Google. For instant indexation of content, the IndexNow protocol (supported by Bing and Yandex) has been implemented in 4.1.


The module generates multilingual sitemaps for entities, views and custom links. Out of the box it supports most of Drupal's content entity types including:

  • nodes
  • taxonomy terms
  • menu links
  • users
  • ...

Contributed entity types like commerce products can be indexed as well. Various inclusion settings can be set for bundles and overridden on a per-entity basis. Sitemap generation can be altered through custom URL & sitemap generator plugins and hooks. Sitemaps can be automatically submitted to search engines, content changes can also be directly submitted via the IndexNow integration.

Here is a sample of the markup it generates (press ctrl+u to view the source).


  • Ability to create any type of sitemap via plugins
  • Periodic submission to search engines
  • Submission to IndexNow on content changes
  • Views and views arguments support
  • XSL stylesheets for human visitors
  • Performance test script included

Beiträge über dieses Projekt

15 Febr. 2022

Index Drupal 9 pages with IndexNow using Simple XML sitemap

Bing 410 Gone

Microsoft recently killed their search engine's public API responsible for accepting sitemap ping requests (those where you let search engines know your XML sitemap's content has changed). They did so completely unannounced leading to logs filling up and users unsurprisingly assuming their sitemap submitting code was somehow at fault. It wasn't.

24 Nov. 2021

Simple XML Sitemap 4.0.0 has been released!

After six months of work I'm delighted to tag the first stable release of the 4.x branch of the (Not-so-) Simple XML Sitemap module.

The project is in a really good place right now. At the moment of writing, reports it being actively used on around 90k of Drupal 8/9 websites while having 0 open bug reports. This either means you people are lousy bug reporters, or we are doing a descent job at responding. :)

26 Sep 2017

Image indexation and other new features of Simple XML sitemap 2.10

This is a technical description of the 2.x branch of the module. For the newer 3.x branch see this article; for 4.x, see this article.

New features of Simple XML sitemap

Version 2.10 of Simple XML sitemap is mainly a feature release with only a few minor bugs fixed. The new features are

02 Okt. 2015

Drupal 9 SEO: Simple XML Sitemap module

The Simple XML Sitemap module was originally created by gbyte as a temporary replacement for the non-functioning Drupal 8 XML Sitemamp Module. After putting some more work into it however, we decided to keep using it in our D8 & D9 projects, as it is very lightweight, simple to use and most importandly, adheres to a newer XML sitemap standard.

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