What to keep in mind when creating Drupal 8 projects - for developers
Please note the article's publishing date. Some of the information presented below may not be current anymore.
Please note the article's publishing date. Some of the information presented below may not be current anymore.
The Drupal 7 translation system including the internationalization package is a heavy beast and while it mostly gets the job done, it is all but intuitive in use.
For high volume translations it is recommended to use the translation template extractor and translate the strings externally. For small corrections however, it is often much more convenient to use the translation interface (admin/config/regional/translate/translate).
The Honeypot module is a great captcha alternative, as it keeps spam bots from submitting content while also saving your site visitors from having to type in mundane character combinations.
Configured properly it will prevent the majority of bots from submitting forms on your site including registration forms, contact forms, comment forms, content forms... any drupal forms.
In situations where SQL Server database servers are being migrated to new instances and the source instance is running Enteprise Edition, the question often arises: do we need to use Enterprise edition? Standard Edition is cheaper!
Gbyte wurde vor einiger Zeit beauftragt den Relaunch der größten deutschen Plattform für Bewerber eines kreativen Studiums - precore.net - umzusetzen und nach einer hervorragenden Zusammenarbeit mit projektgestalten UG bin ich stolz zu verkünden, dass sich die Umsetzung des Projekts dem Ende neigt.
If you need a simple Views display switch to toggle e.g between a list and a grid display of a view, there are a couple of plug & play options already.