abgeordnetenwatch.de is a winner of the Drupal Splash Awards 2020!

12 Dez. 2020
Splash awards trophy

abgeordnetenwatch.de is not your generic community platform - it's a tool that actively creates and enforces communication channels between the people and their political representatives thereby strengthening the democratic process while also being a comprehensive source of information of the political system in Germany.

Because of that and because of the project's high functionality and high efficiency requirements, it is one gbyte is particularly proud to be involved in.

The project has recently won the Drupal Splash Awards 2020 for Germany & Austria in the non-profit category. It is a huge compliment to the small team of developers and to Parlamentwatch e. V. (the organization behind the service), as the Splash awards are regarded as the most prestigious award within the Drupal community.

Splash awards certificate

Award ceremony: Youtube video (with timestamp)

Splash awards entry: Entry description

Drop us a line if you are interested in what makes this awesome project tick.

All info about the project

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