Drupal Planet

12 May 2023

Hosting Websites on NixOS - A Comprehensive Drupal 9 & 10 Configuration Example

Why Use NixOS as a Web Server

If you're keeping up with the cutting edge of Linux, you might have noticed NixOS growing increasingly popular for server deployments. The reason is its declarative approach to package and configuration management. You specify 'what' your system should look like, and NixOS handles the 'how'. This approach ensures reproducibility and upgradeability, reducing configuration drift.

15 Feb 2022

Index Drupal 9 pages with IndexNow using Simple XML sitemap

Bing 410 Gone

Microsoft recently killed their search engine's public API responsible for accepting sitemap ping requests (those where you let search engines know your XML sitemap's content has changed). They did so completely unannounced leading to logs filling up and users unsurprisingly assuming their sitemap submitting code was somehow at fault. It wasn't.

24 Nov 2021

Simple XML Sitemap 4.0.0 has been released!

After six months of work I'm delighted to tag the first stable release of the 4.x branch of the (Not-so-) Simple XML Sitemap module.

The project is in a really good place right now. At the moment of writing, drupal.org reports it being actively used on around 90k of Drupal 8/9 websites while having 0 open bug reports. This either means you people are lousy bug reporters, or we are doing a descent job at responding. :)

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