
12 May 2023

Hosting Websites on NixOS - A Comprehensive Drupal 9 & 10 Configuration Example

Why Use NixOS as a Web Server

If you're keeping up with the cutting edge of Linux, you might have noticed NixOS growing increasingly popular for server deployments. The reason is its declarative approach to package and configuration management. You specify 'what' your system should look like, and NixOS handles the 'how'. This approach ensures reproducibility and upgradeability, reducing configuration drift.

09 Aug 2020

In which order should be Drupal updates and configuration import/export run?

The answer is... generally run updates first. Whether to import or export the configuration afterwards depends on who updated the contrib code base.

You are updating the contrib code base

If you are updating the contrib code base, run the database updates and then export the configuration, as updates tend to alter the configuration storage data which needs to be commited into the version control system:

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