
12 May 2023

Hosting Websites on NixOS - A Comprehensive Drupal 9 & 10 Configuration Example

Why Use NixOS as a Web Server

If you're keeping up with the cutting edge of Linux, you might have noticed NixOS growing increasingly popular for server deployments. The reason is its declarative approach to package and configuration management. You specify 'what' your system should look like, and NixOS handles the 'how'. This approach ensures reproducibility and upgradeability, reducing configuration drift.

20 Jan 2021

Unlock and mount several ZFS datasets on boot with single passphrase

Why would anyone use a single passphrase for several datasets?

I generally do not endorse reusing passwords, but when setting up a ZFS filesystem for home use, it is not unheard of to use a single (secure) passphrase across several of those. That's because the reason behind splitting up pools into multiple datasets is the granular control over their properties and not the resulting fun of having to type in multiple passphrases.

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