This is a technical description of the 3.x branch of the module. For the newer 4.x branch, see this article.
Simple XML sitemap 3.1 has been released
The third major version of simple_sitemap has been long in the making bringing a more reliable generation process, a significantly more versatile API and many new functionalities. The first minor ugrade of the 3.x branch comes with views support and human readable sitemaps.
Major new features in 3.1
Views and views arguments support
Including view display URLs in the sitemap has been possible through adding these URLs as custom links in the UI (or via the API).
View variations created by view arguments however are tedious to include as one would have to include every version of the URL.
The integration of the simple_sitemap_views inside simple_sitemap 3.x makes it easily doable via the UI.
Thanks to @WalkingDexter for his tremendous work on this submodule!
Human-readable sitemaps with XSL stylesheets
This will not change how bots interact with the sitemaps, it will however make the sitemaps readable and sortable for humans. This can be helpful when debugging the sitemap content or using the sitemap to visually present content to users.
Other improvements
You can see the list of bug fixess and improvements on the module's release page.
Upgrade path
The module upgrades fine from any of the 2.x and 3.x versions.
To upgrade the module via composer, $ composer require 'drupal/simple_sitemap:^3.1'
can be used. Afterwards, just visit /update.php, or run $ drush updb
to update the module's storage.
For more information about the 3.x branch of the module, see this post. I invite you to watch this space for a more in-depth technical tutorial on how to programmatically create sitemap types. Also feel free to leave a comment below!
We're trying to tap into simple_sitemap in order to create a custom structure for a video-specific content type. Do you have any guidance on how to create a sitemap that has structure like:
If you need to change the structure of the sitemap, you will have to create a new sitemapGenerator and sitemapType plugin and optionally urlGenerator plugins. Check out code examples in the module's codebase. Then you can create sitemap variants via UI using the new sitemap type.
If you need more support, feel free to open up a support ticket in the module's issue queue. Alternatively contact me through this website's contact form for paid support.
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