Pawel Ginalski


29 Sep 2015

How to use the Drupal 8 & 9 honeypot module efficiently

The Honeypot module is a great captcha alternative, as it keeps spam bots from submitting content while also saving your site visitors from having to type in mundane character combinations.
Configured properly it will prevent the majority of bots from submitting forms on your site including registration forms, contact forms, comment forms, content forms... any drupal forms.

04 Nov 2014

Why forking Drupal into Backdrop is a bad thing

Please note the date of the article - it may not be current nor does it necessarily reflect the author's current opinion on the matter. See this comment.

The ability to fork is a wonderful thing.

In the open source community, the ability to fork software projects is a wonderful thing, as it allows taking a software snapshot in a completely different direction from what was intended by its current maintainers.

08 Sep 2014

Prevent deletion of taxonomy term if associated with a node

Why check if term is associated to a node prior to deletion?

In cases where taxonomy terms are used only for categorizing content on a Drupal powered web page, there should be no harm in deleting them. However sometimes taxonomy is used to store terms critical to the content they are referenced from and in this case steps should be taken to prevent an accidental deletion.

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